Who but a sinner finds that he cannot do one thing to clear himself before God or give an answer for his soul (Job 9:3,14-15,32; Rom. 3:20)?
Who but a sinner cries out as THE sinner, whom God describes everywhere in His word, and who has no plea saving the sovereign mercy of God in Christ (Luke 18:13)?
Who but a sinner looks to Christ alone for everything in salvation (Philippians 3:3-9)?
Who but a sinner clings only to Christ, because he finds nothing and no one but Christ and His work will save him (John 6:63-69)?
Who but a sinner has no experience, no gifts, and has not one thing to recommend him to God, yet finds to his utter amazement and surprise that God has provided all things for him in Christ alone (Psalm 25:11; 130:1-4; Col. 1:21-22; 2:6,9-10,12-13)?
Who but a sinner praises God for mercy received (Psalm 51:13; Isaiah 38:17-19; Rev. 1:5; 5:9)?
Who but a sinner sees the heart of Christ big enough to save sinners out of every kindred, tongue, people and nation?
Who but a sinner believes that God saves the worst of sinners, because who but a sinner believes himself to be the chief of sinners (Job 40:4; Rom. 7:24; 1 Tim. 1:15)?
Who but a sinner desires Christ to do for his sinner friends all that He did for him (Matt. 9:9-13; Luke 5:29)?
Who but a sinner believes that Christ alone is all that God requires, that nothing can possibly be added to Him and what He did as God and man to save His people from their sins (Matt. 1:21; 20:28; 11:28)?
Who but a sinner wants to hear all the time about how Christ saves all by Himself?
Who but a sinner wants to hear again and again how Christ saves the worst of sinners, even those that cannot see, cannot do, cannot believe, oppose themselves; that He saves in spite of me (Ezek. 20:4-44; 36:16-37; Psalm 106:4-8;43-44; 2 Tim. 2:24-26)?
Who but a sinner will receive the gospel preached to him by another sinner, and thank him for it (Rom. 10:15)?
Who but a sinner knows his condition is so bad, that if God did not choose him, and Christ did not die for Him, and Christ did not call him by His Spirit to life, and give him faith to look to Christ alone and cling to Him with a life grip; if He did not bring him and preserve him and present him before the presence of His glory, that he would receive the due reward for his sins (Luke 23:40-43)?
Who but a sinner knows that believing Christ is not a work or act that He can produce (John 20:24-29; Eph. 2:1-9; Col. 2:12-13)?
Who but a sinner fears God and His goodness, knowing that if it were not for God’s choosing, redeeming, intervening, life-giving grace, that he would still be lost and facing the certain prospect of the just wrath of God?
Who but a sinner trusts Christ’s work alone for his only answer to God, all his obedience and righteousness, his sanctification and redemption, and hopes only in His word (Psalm 130:5)?
“I am a great sinner, and nothing at all, but Jesus Christ is my all in all” -- Poor Huckster.
Who but a sinner will say without hypocrisy, “Who but Christ can save this sinner?!”
Lord! I am all that you describe by that guilty, shameful name, "sinner!" Cause me to hear the gospel of your finished salvation as a sinner! Save and keep me by your free grace in Christ (1 Thess. 5:23-24; Philippians 1:6; Heb. 13:20-21; Rom. 8:14,29)!