- On Christ as the only One you see and hear (Gen. 6:16; Matt. 6:22; 17:18; 2 Cor. 11:3; John 6:56; 17:3; Php. 3:8-10),
- On Christ's blood, your only plea (Rom. 8:34; Heb. 10:19)
- On Christ's obedience, your all-sufficient, perfect righteousness (Ps. 62:1-7; Prov. 22:22-23; Micah 7:7-9; John 8:11; Acts 4:10-12; Rom. 10:4-13; Heb. 10:5-14),
- As God is your only audience, and Christ is your only Master (Gal. 1:10; 1 Cor. 7:22-23)
- As your sole purpose for living is to honor Christ and serve Him by serving His people, so as not to honor yourself (1 Jer. 9:23-24; Cor. 1:30-31; Gal. 6:14; 2 Cor. 4:5; 1 Thess. 2:8). "He must increase, but I must decrease" (John 3:30).
- As one who was guilty, without strength, with nothing to pay, and without hope (Luke 7:42-47; Rom. 5:6-10; Eph. 2:1-4; Titus 3:3-7; Deut. 15:15), yet who nevertheless has been...
- Justified freely by God’s grace on the sole ground of Christ's redeeming blood (Rom. 3:24-25; 4:4-5; 5:9),
- Forgiven all your sins by the blood of Christ (Ps. 32:1-2; 85:1-3; Eph. 4:32; Matt. 26:28; Heb. 10:14-18), and
- Redeemed from the curse of God's law and washed and made blameless before God in all of His holiness by the precious blood of Christ Rom. 3:24-25; Gal. 3:13; Eph. 1:7; Col. 1:20-22; Lev. 25:10; Isa. 61:1-2; Rev. 1:5; 5:9), and
- Raised to life by the Spirit of God (Eph. 2:4; Titus 3:3-7),
- Delivered from legal bondage to live by grace and to have dominion over sin, by the grace that is in Christ, through faith in Him alone, in peace and joy (Rom. 6:14, 17; Gal. 2:20; Rom. 15:13; Heb. 12:2-3; Isa. 26:1-3), in
- In triumph over every enemy through Christ who loved us and gave Himself for us, even over death and hell and satan (Micah 7:18-19; Rom. 8:36-37; Rev. 12:11; 1 Cor. 15:54-57).
- As one who has been loved from everlasting (Rom. 3:9-20; 5:5-11; Jer. 31:3; John 17:23-24; 1 John 4:10)!
- To worship Him by Christ's blood and righteousness alone, through His mediation (Php. 3:3; Heb. 4:14-16; 10:19-23). In so coming,
- Call upon Christ as your Lord and only Savior (Rom. 10:9-13; Joel 2:32)
- Call upon God as your Father by Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:3-7),
- Whose person and whose will is all holy, whose will is now done in heaven and whose will shall be done on earth (Matt. 6:9-10), yet,
- Who has told us to come to His throne, a throne of grace by the blood of Christ,
- Who speaks to us from His word so that we cry to Him as our Father by Christ (Eph. 1:4-5; 4:4-6), and
- Pray according to His purpose and promise to do all for our good and for His glory by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (2 Sam. 7:25; Ezek. 36:37; Matt. 6:9-10; Rom. 8:28-39)!